
Prerequisites.1)Checkyouhaven'tenabledNotifyAppsilencemode,oranyotherwrongsettingslikesleepingtimeontheappnotificationsgeneralsettings.,IfyousometimesgetarandomorunwantednotificationsonyourMiBandpleasecheckthefollowingsettings:Reminders;Alarms;Bandconnectednotification ...,Notificationsarenotworking·GotoMiBandTools-Settings-NotificationAccess·Uncheckallapplications(includingMiFit)·Wait1-2minut...

How to setup Mi Band notifications correctly and fix issues

Prerequisites. 1) Check you haven't enabled Notify App silence mode, or any other wrong settings like sleeping time on the app notifications general settings.

How to stop getting random and unwanted notifications on ...

If you sometimes get a random or unwanted notifications on your Mi Band please check the following settings: Reminders; Alarms; Band connected notification ...

Notifications are not working

Notifications are not working · Go to Mi Band Tools - Settings - Notification Access · Uncheck all applications (including Mi Fit) · Wait 1-2 minutes · Check ...

Notify & Fitness for Mi Band


Notify for Mi Band (up to 7)

You can personalize the notification of all incoming and missed calls and you will instantly be notified each time you receive an SMS or a Whatsapp message. Add ...

Notify for Mi Band, Amazfit and Xiaomi

Get custom (icon, text and vibration) alerts on your band when you receive a new notification on your smartphone, you'll never miss any call or your friends' ...

Notify for Xiaomi app for the Miband 8

2023年7月30日 — I'm debating upgrading from a 6 when global drops but I don't know if it fully works with the app and how it would work with the motion type ...